Nordic Style
Craft Coffee
Roasted In

Coffees grown in different ways in different places taste different. This is a special, and often overlooked, aspect of our favorite beverage.  Nordskov selects raw coffee beans that have beautiful natural flavors in them.
Tailoring the roast profile to each coffee allows you to taste flavors of the bean, not the roast. 

This is the Nordic style.

It is a demanding approach that produces nuanced, vibrant and flavorful coffees.  

Exceptional coffee can connect us with ourselves, each other, and nature.
Providing that coffee to our community and those that visit it is the aim of Nordskov. 

Only a few small batches are roasted each week. You can order here for pickup in Janesville & Madison OR delivery in Whitewater, WI.  You will also find our most popular products at Little Local (inside the Sweet Spote Cafè in Whitewater), The Deliciouser in Madison, and Lark Market in Janesville.